AlkaMate Alkaline Water Testimonials

“I have been using my AlkaMate water ioniser for only 3 months. I’ve noticed that my skin is softer and smoother, and I have more energy. It tastes great and my kids like it too.”Lisa Wedewer Warman, SK

“I love my AlkaMate portable water filter! I have been drinking water from it for about 2 months. The benefits I have noted are more energy, less fatigue, improved weight loss, along with better bowel function. I suffer from several conditions, one of which is fibromyalgia. Since drinking alkaline water, I simply feel better. My friends say “you look good!”Margie Warren, RN, BScN, MEd. Waterloo, ON

The AlkaMate water bottle is freaking amazing! It totally cured my constant bladder infections….that seriously kept coming back! Haven’t had one since!Melanie H., Kitchener, ON

“I simply love the Alkamate water ioniser! I’ve never been a big water drinker when I’m away unless I used bottled water. Since hearing how bad they are for the environment, and how toxins can seep into the water I’ve tried my best to not use them…which led to me not drinking water when I was away from home. The Alkamate is just what I needed!! It’s the perfect size for when I go for a walk, go shopping, to work, etc. Fits into cup holders where others do not. It’s reusable so I know I’m doing my part for the environment, and it’s providing me with the best water possible!! And best of all it keeps my alkaline water nice and cool, just the way I like it. Great for when I’m walking in the summer!! — Deanna Brosowski Waterloo, ON

“The HL4Y AlkaMate bottled alkaline water is great! I find the water tastes so good it makes me want to drink more water. Since using this miracle water, it has greatly reduced my heartburn symptoms and I have better digestion and regularity!Susan McDonald, Reiki Master Oakville, ON

“In just a short time of using the HL4Y AlkaMate alkaline water cup my skin feels a lot smoother.” — Joyce Jackart Upper La Tour, NS

“FREEDOM AT LAST! Freedom from carrying bottles of alkaline water from my water filter at home. Life used to be such a drag – dragging around bottles of alkaline water. Since getting the AlkaMate portable water ioniser it’s been such a relief not to drag around water bottles that I filled at home with my alkaline water filter – Being spoiled with alkaline water for the last 4 years that’s what my life has been like…Until The AlkaMate. Now all I pack is my AlkaMate & I have alkaline water wherever I go – even on flights! Yes the AlkaMate is allowed on board as long as you don’t have any water in it when going through security checkpoints. To top it off the AlkaMate water ioniser even comes in a sleek protective carry case. — Helen Smolinger, Feng Shui Consultant Toronto, ON

In January, my Doctor told me if I could get my body alkaline, it could not grow candida, parasites, cancer nor many other diseases.   I had been on an alkaline diet since then but found it very hard to find alkaline drinking water without spending a small fortune.
Since I started using the Alkamate, I find I healed at  faster rate, probably because not only was I eating alkaline, but I was also drinking alkaline.  I credit Alkamate and eating an alkaline diet,  in helping me to get rid of the thrush and ear ringing that I had been fighting for 2 years.     I never want to fight as hard as I did to heal, so I will be eating and drinking alkaline, plus doing cleanses for the rest of my life.
Terry Macri
Hermitage, PA

I am presently using the portable AlkaMate and love it.. I enjoy the taste of the alkaline water and know that it is helping me to have more energy since I am dealing with fibromayalgia… I also want the best for my health and after talking with John I knew this was for me.. I have been drinking this water for just over 2 weeks and am going to try the foot detox next week…Thanks to the crew of HL4Y for all your support……I just love having my thermos with me as I travel…
Yvonne Sparling Gedcke, ON

“We have had many clients come in and receive the ionic foot bath as well as buy the AlkaMate. We have never had any bad reviews on it or complaints with either products. Everyone just thinks its simply amazing!! We had a lady come in complaining of acid reflux, she purchased the alkamate and said shes never felt better. Everyday she notices an improvement in it. From my own personal experience i bought the alkamate just to try it and see what all the talk was about. I bought it on a friday afternoon and immediately starting drinking it. Within an hour or so i felt as though my energy had doubled and i did continue to feel that way all throughout the day, never losing any of my energy until bed. Unlike drinking coffee to stay energized, this water actually keep my energy level up. I did continue to drink it everyday and starting to notice something that been bothering me for a while. I have had chronic headaches now for quite a while and within a few days they had completely dissapeared!! I couldnt believe it as they have been bothering me for years now. In general I just felt great and extremely healthy from only drinking the water for 2 weeks. I would recommend both the alkamate and the foot detox to anybody!!”

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Donna Pettigrew,
Peterborough, ON