AlkaMate Portable Ionized Water – Third Party Review

Feel free to read this powerful third party review done on the AlkaMate portable water ionizer.  Here you will find the random thoughts and experiences of a mom trying to live a more natural and green family life since 2004. Enjoy!

Tiffany has created an empire of Green and Natural products that she has put to the test.  She has a huge following and we are very excited that she picked our AlkaMate to do a review on!  She is very much an advocate of green products and products that will help families remain healthy!

To read her full review and thoughts on the AlkaMate Portable water ionizer, please go to

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Leave A Reply (8 comments so far)

  1. Eufemia Tasson
    12 years ago

    Great post, you have pointed out some great details , I also think this s a very good website.

  2. Judy
    12 years ago

    Home run! Great slugging with that anwesr! Cheers to Alkaline water and the AlkaMate. 🙂

  3. Kaedon
    12 years ago

    Impersivse brain power at work! Great answer!

  4. Suevonne
    12 years ago

    Kudos! What a neat way of thinikng about it.

  5. levitra
    12 years ago

    Thanks for your entry! I really liked reading it.

  6. Bee Bagg
    12 years ago

    I like this blog so much, thanks for the info on Alkaline water. I just bought my AlkaMate a couple weeks ago and love it!

  7. ann
    12 years ago

    Nice post on health fotacrs. One thing i want to share is that working to boost alkaline vs acidic balance in human bodies has been ideal to consider for well being, but for psoriasis you’ll also need the acidic properties in water to cleanse your skin condition. Drinking water from a water ionizer will allow for an incredible increase in water absorption in your body and that improves the elasticity in our skin. It’s the high pH levels in the water from an ionizer that does the trick.

  8. Kay
    8 years ago

    Do you know the PH level increase after adding the water?
    For example: If it was 7ph tap… what PH level does it increase to after the 15 minutes or so that it has to sit?

    Your help in ordering one will be greatly appreciated!

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